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U-Lipolysis for Weight & Inchloss

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In current world Improper diets, sedentary lifestyles, minimal exercises and medical illness are a few reasons where we see OBESITY entering our life. Across the Body fat usually accumulates around the waist, hips & thighs, which are the most prominent areas one would seek intervention on. Getting away of this unwanted fat is extremely difficult and would need intervention by external supportive device, and Treatments like ULIPOLYSIS will help to get get rid of the accumulated fat, in a simple Non-Surgical way with no side effects and without impacting work and personal life.

It does not have any downtime. At Dr.Pankti’s REVIVE Multi Speciality clinic we use this innovative and proven technology which is compared as alternative to surgical liposuction* to address the need of the clients and there cosmetic requirements. It is a completely new and innovative way to reduce unwanted fat from the body & to achieve targeted inch loss. It is primarily indicated for Reshaping and Contouring the body. 

We use latest CE and ISO certified equipments well designed to achieve the targeted results at our centre. It Uses a combination of 4 Technologies i.e. Ultrasound Lipolysis, NARF, Vacuum Suction & Laser Lipolysis in each treatment. It is a painless and non-surgical way to get rid of excess KG’s and Inches from your body and get your body back in shape. Till date at Dr.Panktis’s REVIVE Multispeciality clinic we have treated thousands of cases with ULIPOLYSIS to obtain their desired cosmetic results.

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REVIVE Clinic's Comprehensive ULIPOLYSIS Treatment Approach

UltraSculpt is a cosmetic procedure performed to eliminate fat cells in targeted areas of the body. The procedure helps to give a sleek and toned appearance to the treated areas.


Lymphatic Drainage Massage.


Customized Exfoliation.




Lifestyle Modification


Holistic Approach

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Dr. Panktis Revive

How does ULIPOLYSIS work?

It is an innovative, proven, painless and non-surgical way to reduce and get rid of excess / unwanted fat from the body & to achieve circumferential inch loss on the targeted area. It is one of best Non-Surgical treatments for Body Contouring & Body shaping. It is also known as Cavitation or Ultrasonic Cavitation or Ultrasound Fat Reduction. With this technology low Frequency predetermined amount of energy is released to the sub-cutaneous adipose tissue of the targeted area. 

Once this ultrasound waves converge towards the targeted area, they cumulate at a certain point and produce the so-called cavitation effect leading to mechanical breaking of the cellular membranes and the release in the inter cellular fluid of the stored triglycerides which are rapidly and naturally metabolized.

This Process is very selective as only the adipose tissue is targeted and no other tissue is altered in the process. This technology is primarily used for Fat loss at the targeted area. No anaesthesia is required prior to this treatment. It is available for Tummy, Sides, Hips, Thighs, Inner Thighs, Arms, Saddlebag, Calf, Upper Back, Female B-line, Male Chest, Face & Chin.

At Dr.Pankti’s REVIVE Multi Speciality Clinic, 4 latest technologies are used to achieve the targetted inch loss. Only CE & ISO certified, Effective, Powerful & Professional equipments are used by Qualified Staff in the clinic for the treatments.

Dr. Panktis Revive

Non Ablative Radio Frequency or NARF

Advanced NARF technology delivers the optimal RF energy to the dermal & subcutaneous layers. Its dense energy matrix penetrates multiple layers of the skin, ensuring improved clinical efficacy and clearly visible results. It targets the elastic fibres of the skin, which causes collagen regeneration, collagen remodelling & skin tightening. The elastic fibres of the skin, collagen and elastin, are produced by fibroblast. As they are heated, they contract, and collagen strands are pulled closer resulting in immediately tightened skin. The deep heating effect in turn accelerates the fat cell metabolism to augment collagen regeneration over the full treatment course.

Heating the fat cells accelerates metabolism and causes them to shrink. The rise in temperature forces fat cells to secrete fatty acids (liquid fat), which are disposed via the blood and lymph system. Post the Treatment you can expect a tighter & younger looking skin.

However, ULIPOLYSIS is the most advanced, non-surgical and non-invasive method for reducing excess fat from various areas of the body. It is the perfect way to get in shape for those who want to lose fat and inches faster, without any side effect.

Dr. Panktis Revive

Suction treatment

Suction is a procedure used for body sculpting & cellulite reduction. The medical effect of V acuum Suction is realized by means of vacuum that causes the local rush of blood and lymph to skin from deep lying tissues, which exerts the reflex influence on vessels of internal organs. Vacuum Suction is believed to be one of the most trusted and efficient treatment against cellulite.It smoothes hypodermic fat layer and skin becomes more elastic.

Vacuum is primarily used for softening the hard and stubborn fat. The continuous push and pull action on the skin has a massaging effect on the tissues. It softens the hard and stubborn fat or cellulite. This helps during NARF (Non – Ablative Radio Frequency) as it helps the fat cells break faster and later makes it easy for the system to eject them through the excretion process. Vacuum strengthens the connective tissues under the dermis so that it would not allow fat accumulation in the future.

Valuable benefits of vacuum:-

It improves blood and lymphatic circulation.


The Localized fatty deposits are softened.


The Localized fatty deposits are softened.


Skin texture improves due to exfoliation allowing improved appearance of skin complexion and reduces fine lines.


Swelling or puffiness caused due to fatigue and water retention is reduced.